Welcome to Inforoute47. Your live traffic conditions on the departmental road network. Traffic forecast: No special warning in the Lot-et-Garonne department. Weather report: No special warning in the Lot-et-Garonne department.Friday 31 January :At the begin...Read more

Welcome to Inforoute47. Your live traffic conditions on the departmental road network.


Traffic forecast: 

No special warning in the Lot-et-Garonne department. 

Weather report: 

No special warning in the Lot-et-Garonne department.

Friday 31 January :

At the beginning of the day, the sky is cloudy and the atmosphere is sometimes foggy over the Pays de Serres as well as on the northern Garonne hillsides. The fog dissipates in the morning, and quite beautiful clearings develop. 

Maximum temperatures for the day: between 9 and 11 degrees.

Minimum temperatures for the following night: from 3 to 4 degrees.

Saturday 1st February :

At the beginning of the day, there are a lot of clouds. At the end of the morning, they gradually break up and the sun will gain ground at the end of the afternoon.

Maximum temperatures for the day: between 8 and 10 degrees.

Minimum temperatures for the following night: from -1 to 2 degrees.

Sunday 02 February :

After the fog banks on the northern Marmande hillsides and in the Garonne valley dissipated early in the morning, the sun shone all day long. 

Maximum temperatures for the day: between 9 and 10 degrees.

Minimum temperatures for the following night: between -1 and 2 degrees.

Monday 03 February :

The mists, present at the beginning of the day on the northern hillsides of Marmande, on the Pays de Serres as well as in the Garonne valley, dissipate. The sun then imposes itself everywhere.

Maximum temperatures for the day: from 12 to 13 degrees.


The Lot-et-Garonne Departmental Council wishes you a safe journey.


Update :

version anglaise


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